Services available by appointment only.
Same-day appointments are welcome but not guaranteed. Please book as far in advance as possible to ensure a particular time/day/service provider.
A robe and sandals will be provided for clients with multiple treatments. Robes and sandals may be requested at time of booking for single services. Undergarments may be worn during treatments, but rest assured, our therapists are professionally trained in correct draping procedures to ensure your comfort and privacy.
Please notify the front desk coordinator if you have any disabilities, physical ailments, allergies, or if you are pregnant. Certain spa or facial treatments may not be advisable.
Pregnant women must be into their second trimester to receive any massage. All Prenatal massages done after 35 weeks must have a doctor's consent form.
We ask that you please arrive 10-15 minutes early for your services. If you arrive late, the length of your service will be adjusted so as to not interrupt the scheduled appointments of other guests.
First-time/yearly forms required prior to receiving service as required by the Louisiana Boards of Massage Therapy and Cosmetology.
If you must reschedule or cancel an appointment, please notify Pascale's Spa 24-hours in advance to avoid being charged for scheduled services. No shows will be charged 50% per service. Late Cancellations (less than 24 hours notice) will be charged 50% per service.
A credit card number and/or gift card number will be required to hold appointments.
To ensure complete relaxation for yourself and all our guests, please honor the tranquil setting of Pascale's Spa and whisper. We ask that all cell phones be placed on silent and that no calls are taken in service areas or lobby.
Gratuity is not included in the price of services or spa packages; customary tipping runs 10% to 20% but is, of course, at your discretion.
All services are available in a series of 6 and include a 10% discount. Services in a series cannot be changed or used for other treatments. Series purchases are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
Group reservations are available for booking. Please call our coordinator to make arrangements.
If you decide to break up your spa package, you will not receive the package discount on services.
Gift card purchases are non-refundable. Our gift cards expire 5 years after the purchase date. Pascale's Spa is not responsible for lost or stolen cards. Please protect your card as if it were cash.
Services available by appointment only.
Same-day appointments are welcome but not guaranteed. Please book as far in advance as possible to ensure a particular time/day/service provider.
A robe and sandals will be provided for clients with multiple treatments. Robes and sandals may be requested at time of booking for single services. Undergarments may be worn during treatments, but rest assured, our therapists are professionally trained in correct draping procedures to ensure your comfort and privacy.
Please notify the front desk coordinator if you have any disabilities, physical ailments, allergies, or if you are pregnant. Certain spa or facial treatments may not be advisable.
Pregnant women must be into their second trimester to receive any massage. All Prenatal massages done after 35 weeks must have a doctor's consent form.
We ask that you please arrive 10-15 minutes early for your services. If you arrive late, the length of your service will be adjusted so as to not interrupt the scheduled appointments of other guests.
First-time/yearly forms required prior to receiving service as required by the Louisiana Boards of Massage Therapy and Cosmetology.
If you must reschedule or cancel an appointment, please notify Pascale's Spa 24-hours in advance to avoid being charged for scheduled services. No shows will be charged 50% per service. Late Cancellations (less than 24 hours notice) will be charged 50% per service.
A credit card number and/or gift card number will be required to hold appointments.
To ensure complete relaxation for yourself and all our guests, please honor the tranquil setting of Pascale's Spa and whisper. We ask that all cell phones be placed on silent and that no calls are taken in service areas or lobby.
Gratuity is not included in the price of services or spa packages; customary tipping runs 10% to 20% but is, of course, at your discretion.
All services are available in a series of 6 and include a 10% discount. Services in a series cannot be changed or used for other treatments. Series purchases are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
Group reservations are available for booking. Please call our coordinator to make arrangements.
If you decide to break up your spa package, you will not receive the package discount on services.
Gift card purchases are non-refundable. Our gift cards expire 5 years after the purchase date. Pascale's Spa is not responsible for lost or stolen cards. Please protect your card as if it were cash.